Monday, June 20, 2022

WooCommerce Getting Started Set Up Products / Product CSV Importer and Exporter Wordpress Plugins

WooCommerce has a built-in product CSV Importer and Exporter.

Import, export, or update hundreds or thousands of products in your WooCommerce store with a single CSV. This tool supports most product types, including variations.

Adding New Products

First-time and existing store owners using WooCommerce can use the CSV to add new products with one upload.

1/ Go to: WooCommerce > Products.

2/ Select Import at the top. The Upload CSV File screen displays.

3/ Select Choose File and the CSV you wish you use.

CSV delimiter (Advanced option): Generally CSV elements are separated by a comma. If you are using a different delimiter in your file, you can set it here.

4/ Continue.

The Column Mapping screen displays, and WooCommerce automatically attempts to match or “map” the Column Name from your CSV to Fields.

5/ Use dropdown menus on the right side to adjust fields or indicate ‘Do not import.’

*Any unrecognized columns will not be imported by default.

6/ Select Run the Importer.

7/ Wait until the Importer is finished. Do not refresh or touch the browser while in progress.