Tuesday, June 4, 2019

High Performance Environmental Management System with Self Serving Data Input

The Consumption Resources in EMS Environmental Management System

  • More than 1000 physical locations
  • Over 200 active login users
  • More than 60 countries accessing instance
  • Over 10000 bill records annually
  • Over 150 reports for more 10 functional departments
  • SDGs target report
  • Bill Records for Electricity, Water, Gas, Fuel 
  • Recycled Paper management and Business flight travel management
  • APIs support system integration

The Electricity Resource lets you update and create Electricity Consumption in a EMS instance. You can use consumption units and emission units to create or update different unit of the same consumption. You can also add or update product pdf.

The EMS's Electricity Consumption API lets you do the following with the Electricity resource. More detailed versions of these general actions may be available.

Want to know more? Request a Demo today