Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Workplace Safety and Health (COVID-19 Safe Workplace) (Amendment No. 4) Regulations 2022





In exercise of the powers conferred by section 65(1) of the Workplace Safety and Health Act 2006, the Minister for Manpower makes the following Regulations:

Citation and commencement

1.  These Regulations are the Workplace Safety and Health (COVID‑19 Safe Workplace) (Amendment No. 4) Regulations 2022 and come into operation on 26 April 2022.

Amendment of regulation 2

2.  In regulation 2(2) of the Workplace Safety and Health (COVID‑19 Safe Workplace) Regulations 2021 (G.N. No. S 992/2021) (called in these Regulations the principal Regulations), delete “(except Part 3)”.

Amendment of regulation 3

3.  In regulation 3 of the principal Regulations —

(a) in paragraph (1), delete the definitions of “approved vaccine”, “cleared status (general)”, “recovered individual”, “unvaccinated against COVID‑19 infection”, “vaccinated against COVID‑19 infection” and “vaccination information”; and

(b) delete paragraphs (3), (4) and (6).

Deletion of regulations 4 and 5

4.  Delete regulations 4 and 5 of the principal Regulations.

Deletion of Parts 2 and 3

5.  Delete Parts 2 and 3 of the principal Regulations.

New regulation 17A

6.  In Part 4 of the principal Regulations, in Division 1, after regulation 17, insert —

“Mask wearing by individuals

17A.—(1)  An individual (whether or not he or she is an employer or employee, a worker, principal or self‑employed) must wear a mask when performing work or carrying out any undertaking at a workplace that is neither —

(a) the individual’s place of residence; nor

(b) an open‑air area.

(2)  However, paragraph (1) does not apply in any of the following circumstances:

(a) where the nature of the individual’s work is such that wearing a mask creates a risk to his or her health and safety;

(b) when the individual —

(i) is in an area of the workplace which is not used and not likely to be used by any customer or prospective customer of the employer or principal, or any other individual who is not an employee or worker at work (or any of them in combination), or by any of those individuals to move through the workplace; and

(ii) is not interacting in person with another individual present in that area;

(c) where the individual is authorised under any Control Order to not wear a mask.”.

Amendment of regulation 18

7.  In regulation 18(1) of the principal Regulations —

(a) in sub‑paragraph (a), delete “or” at the end;

(b) in sub‑paragraph (b), replace the full‑stop at the end with “; or”; and

(c) after sub‑paragraph (b), insert —

“(c) the employee or worker (as the case may be) is —

(i) in an area of the work premises which is not used and not likely to be used by any customer or prospective customer of the employer or principal, or any other individual who is not an employee or worker at work (or any of them in combination), or by any of those individuals to move through the work premises; and

(ii) not interacting in person with another individual present in that area.”.

Deletion of regulation 19

8.  Delete regulation 19 of the principal Regulations.

Amendment of regulation 22

9.  In regulation 22 of the principal Regulations, delete paragraphs (1), (2) and (4).

Amendment of regulation 25

10.  In regulation 25(a) of the principal Regulations —

(a) in sub‑paragraph (i), after “and the Control Orders”, insert “and to remedy without delay any instances of such non‑compliance”; and

(b) replace sub‑paragraph (ii) with —

“(ii) to regularly assess and identify the risks of transmission of COVID‑19 that may arise in relation to all activities engaged in by customers, prospective customers, employees and workers at the work premises of the employer or principal, and to mitigate that risk from those activities identified as presenting a higher risk of the transmission of COVID‑19; and”.

Amendment of regulation 26

11.  In regulation 26 of the principal Regulations —

(a) delete “, and any individual to whom regulation 10 may apply,”;

(b) in paragraph (a)(ii), insert “and” at the end;

(c) in paragraph (b), replace “8, 13, 15, 16 and 17 that apply to them; and” with “16, 17 and 17A.”; and

(d) delete paragraph (c).

Deletion of regulation 29

12.  Delete regulation 29 of the principal Regulations.

Amendment of regulation 30

13.  In regulation 30 of the principal Regulations —

(a) in paragraph (1), replace “13” with “17A(1)”;

(b) in paragraph (2), replace “6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 18(1), 19, 22(1),” with “18(1),”; and

(c) in paragraph (3), replace “10, 18(2) or 22(2)” with “18(2)”.

[G.N. Nos. S 79/2022; S 182/2022; S 227/2022]

Made on 25 April 2022.
