Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Bitcoin Consumes Less Than Half The Energy Of The Banking Or Gold Industries

 A recently released research report from Galaxy Digital has calculated the energy consumed by the Bitcoin network and then compared it to other industries, including the banking industry. It found that Bitcoin consumes 113.89 terawatt hours (TWh) per year, while the banking industry consumes 263.72 TWh per year.

The report put Bitcoin's energy consumption into perspective by distilling some of the unique characteristics of Bitcoin and how they relate to and impact its energy consumption.

More reading https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/research%3A-bitcoin-consumes-less-than-half-the-energy-of-the-banking-or-gold-industries

(Not only electricity consumption and not only cryptocurrency.)

See how to trace energy consumption by Pro-Quali - Pro-Level Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) platform at http://www.pro-quali.com/features/environmental-management/