Friday, November 12, 2021

UK: COP26 declaration on accelerating the transition to 100% zero emission cars and vans

 As representatives of governments, businesses, and other organisations with an influence over the future of the automotive industry and road transport, we commit to rapidly accelerating the transition to zero emission vehicles to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement[footnote 1].

Together, we will work towards all sales of new cars and vans being zero emission[footnote 2] globally by 2040, and by no later than 2035 in leading markets

A. As governments, we will work towards all sales of new cars and vans being zero emission by 2040 or earlier, or by no later than 2035 in leading markets.

B. As governments in emerging markets and developing economies, we will work intensely towards accelerated proliferation and adoption of zero emission vehicles. We call on all developed countries to strengthen the collaboration and international support offer to facilitate a global, equitable and just transition.

C. As cities, states, and regional governments, we will work towards converting our owned or leased car and van fleets to zero emission vehicles by 2035 at the latest, as well as putting in place policies that will enable, accelerate, or otherwise incentivise the transition to zero emission vehicles as soon as possible, to the extent possible given our jurisdictional powers.

D. As automotive manufacturers, we will work towards reaching 100% zero emission new car and van sales in leading markets by 2035 or earlier, supported by a business strategy that is in line with achieving this ambition, as we help build customer demand.

E. As business fleet owners and operators, or shared mobility platforms, we will work towards 100% of our car and van fleets being zero emission vehicles by 2030, or earlier where markets allow.


Eco Emission Data Management System, which developed and integrated with open services (Google Distance API)  have more Logistic Emission Calculation modules

  1. Rail Freight Emission Calculation Module
  2. Air Freight Emission Calculation Module
  3. Vehicle Freight Emission Calculation Module

Ocean Freight are in beta testing and will be available on 2020 First quarter.

Sustainable Development Goals Achievement:

Schedule a free demo now. Visit for more information

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Find flights with lower carbon emissions at Google Flights

At Google Flights Search, these emissions estimates are flight-specific as well as seat-specific. For instance, newer aircraft are generally less polluting than older aircraft, and emissions increase for premium economy and first-class seats because they take up more space and account for a larger share of total emissions. 

To put these estimates in context, flights with significantly lower emissions will be labeled with a green badge. And if you want to prioritize carbon impact, you can sort all of the results to bring the greenest flights to the top of the list.


  • Eco Emission Data Management System, which developed and integrated with open services (Google Distance API) is an online / cloud based system monitoring of resources consumption on a per-location basis, consumption types include :- 
    • Electricity Consumption
    • Fuel Consumption
    • Gas Consumption
    • Lubricant / Refrigerant / Steam / Material / Paper Consumption
    • Business Travel analysis
    • Air / Road / Sea Freight Logistics Consumption
    • Social Responsibility Dataset
    • Health & Safety Summary
    • CSR and Environment Investment
  • Collection of Waste Management data
  • Highly customizable time-series data (e.g. No of staff, Productivity, total office area)

Please Schedule a demo for more information

World’s airlines commit to net zero carbon emissions by 2050

World’s airlines commit to net zero carbon emissions by 2050, but Chinese carriers say target flies in the face of national goal

Mainland Chinese airlines wanted IATA to allow them to follow President Xi Jinping’s 2060 emissions target, but industry backs earlier date

Airlines will look to become carbon neutral through sustainable aviation fuel, new aircraft technology and alternative energy sources

Most of the world’s airlines have backed the industry’s new target to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2050, despite mainland Chinese carriers joining forces to call for a delay to the timetable.

Mainland airlines urged the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to allow them to follow President Xi Jinping’s 2060 emissions target, highlighting the divisions between China and the West ahead of next month’s UN global climate summit, as the world’s top aviation executives gathered in Boston.


Eco Emission Data Management System, which developed and integrated with open services (Google Distance API)  have more Logistic Emission Calculation modules

  1. Rail Freight Emission Calculation Module
  2. Air Freight Emission Calculation Module
  3. Vehicle Freight Emission Calculation Module

Ocean Freight are in beta testing and will be available on 2020 First quarter.

Sustainable Development Goals Achievement:

Schedule a free demo now. Visit for more information

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Bravo, owner of Citybus and New World First Bus, supports Hong Kong’s Carbon Neutrality Task Force for its foresight and vision in considering hydrogen solutions for the future decarbonisation of the region. As an advocate of clean energy mobility solutions, Bravo was delighted to be invited to present to the Environmental Protection Department’s Carbon Neutrality Task Force at their first formal workshop. Bravo shareholder, Ascendal Group, shared their past experience of leading world-class hydrogen bus services in London from 2011, with coshareholder, Hans Energy, presenting possible options for sourcing and distributing hydrogen within Hong Kong. Bravo first launched electric bus services on Hong Kong Island in December 2015 operating on Routes 11, 12, 25A, 78 and 81. The company continues to invest in zero emission solutions, with three new electric charging stations being installed at Hong Kong Station Bus Terminus, Central Ferry Bus Terminus, and Kai Tak Cruise Terminal Bus Terminus before the end of the year. However, for long distance or high frequency services in Hong Kong, battery electric buses face many operational challenges given the local climate and topography.

We have more Logistic Emission Calculation modules

  1. Rail Freight Emission Calculation Module
  2. Air Freight Emission Calculation Module
  3. Vehicle Freight Emission Calculation Module

Sustainable Development Goals Achievement:

Schedule a free demo now. Visit for more information


 Bravo, owner of Citybus and New World First Bus, supports Hong Kong’s Carbon Neutrality Task Force for its foresight and vision in considering hydrogen solutions for the future decarbonisation of the region. As an advocate of clean energy mobility solutions, Bravo was delighted to be invited to present to the Environmental Protection Department’s Carbon Neutrality Task Force at their first formal workshop. Bravo shareholder, Ascendal Group, shared their past experience of leading world-class hydrogen bus services in London from 2011, with coshareholder, Hans Energy, presenting possible options for sourcing and distributing hydrogen within Hong Kong. Bravo first launched electric bus services on Hong Kong Island in December 2015 operating on Routes 11, 12, 25A, 78 and 81. The company continues to invest in zero emission solutions, with three new electric charging stations being installed at Hong Kong Station Bus Terminus, Central Ferry Bus Terminus, and Kai Tak Cruise Terminal Bus Terminus before the end of the year. However, for long distance or high frequency services in Hong Kong, battery electric buses face many operational challenges given the local climate and topography.

We have more Logistic Emission Calculation modules

  1. Rail Freight Emission Calculation Module
  2. Air Freight Emission Calculation Module
  3. Vehicle Freight Emission Calculation Module

Sustainable Development Goals Achievement:

Schedule a free demo now. Visit for more information


Friday, October 8, 2021

Hong Kong to phase out coal as a power generation source by 2035

 Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor gave greater emphasis to climate initiatives in Wednesday’s policy address than in her previous speeches, laying out clearer goals for putting the city’s fuel mix on a greener footing. As carbon dioxide is the major culprit in climate change. Measures include saving energy and designing greener buildings, as well as less polluting forms of transport and better waste management. Those sectors together emit 90 per cent of the city’s greenhouse gases.

  • online / cloud based system monitoring of resources consumption on a per-location basis, consumption types include :-
    • Electricity Consumption
    • Fuel Consumption
    • Gas Consumption
    • Lubricant / Refrigerant / Steam / Material / Paper Consumption
    • Business Travel analysis
    • Air / Road / Sea Freight Logistics Consumption
    • Social Responsibility Dataset
    • Health & Safety Summary
    • CSR and Environment Investment
  • Collection of Waste Management data
  • Highly customizable time-series data (e.g. No of staff, Productivity, total office area)

Please Schedule a demo for more information

Thursday, July 8, 2021

How Ideo Concepts's Sustainable Application Platform - Ocean Freight / Cargo Emission Calculation Module achieves Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

With Ideo Concepts's Sustainable Application Platform - Ocean Freight / Cargo Emission Calculation Module, integration make easy with cargo/logistics' companies for  ocean carriers’ environmental performance on carbon-dioxide emissions datasets collection and reporting (in Dashboard / Image / PDF / Web format)

P.S. we have more Logistic Emission Calculation modules

  1. Rail Freight Emission Calculation Module
  2. Air Freight Emission Calculation Module
  3. Vehicle Freight Emission Calculation Module

Sustainable Development Goals Achievement:

Please contact us for more information

Friday, June 25, 2021

Rail Freight Module for Freight CO2 Emission Calculation

 Freight train emissions  27.5g CO2e per tonne km in 2019-20 Increase of 8.6% compared to 2018-19 The amount of diesel consumed by freight trains in 2019-20 has increased by 12.5% to 172 million litres. This is the highest figure since 2015-16, and the first time that diesel use increased year on year since 2015-16. Electricity usage fell by 6.3% to 70 million kWh. The resulting CO2e emissions for freight trains have increased to 27.5g CO2e per tonne km. This is the highest level since the comparable time series started in 2011-12.

Please contact us for more information

Professional ocean freight carbon calculation for sea-routes Asia and Europe and UK

Sea transportation the word busiest cargo transportation between Europe, UK, Asia and China. Sustainability for Logistics forwarders and shippers  with vessel operator service providers is in high demand from their customer for cleaner cargo with lower carbon output.

With our Ocean Carbon CO2 Emission Calculation Module (1 of the 3 logistics sections, including Air Carbon CO2 Emission Calculation  Module and Road Carbon CO2 Emission Calculation Module),  Well-presented dashboard data and analytics software gives your company in-depth view in statistics charts. Emission Factors as the key provided by cargo's companies gave you most up-to-date analytics calculation. IATA code for Port, Airport and station provided accurate location address for countries/regions in the world for data summarized with NOx, SOx and PM calculator.

Reach us for further information.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

New Tanker Demonstrates Potential to Exceed IMO’s Emissions Targets

 Acclaiming their newest vessel as “an international flagship concerning the environment and climate,” the Swedish shipowner Furetank reports that through the use of advanced systems they were able to achieve a very low environmental score, helping the company to already meet the IMO’s emission targets for 2050. The tanker incorporates a range of technologies building on current vessel designs, including dual-fuel gas propulsion, batteries, and shore power.


China's Shandong to limit carbon emission at new industrial projects

China's industrial hub Shandong province pledged to tighten new approval of industries such as oil refining and aluminium smelting which have high energy use and high emissions as Beijing strives to meet climate change targets.

The steps come as China vowed to start cutting carbon emissions before 2030 and become carbon neutral by 2060.


Friday, June 4, 2021

water consumption, electricity consumption, gas consumption and co2 carbon emission on Power BI Dashboard

With this solution, you can ingest the data from any of your existing meter devices, MDM system of any meter manufacturer and of any energy type (water, electricity, gas). This intelligent analytics solution handles any type of data – Meter data, AMR/AMI data, Customer data, Billing data.

Microsoft Sustainability Calculator, a Power BI application for Azure enterprise customers

For more than a decade, Microsoft has been investing to reduce environmental impact while supporting the digital transformation of organizations around the world through cloud services. We strive to be transparent with our commitments, evidenced by our announcement that Microsoft’s cloud datacenters will be powered by 100 percent renewable energy sources by 2025. The commitments and investments we make as a company are important steps in reducing our own environmental impact, but we recognize that the opportunity for positive change is greatest by empowering customers and partners to achieve their own sustainability goals. An industry first—the Microsoft Sustainability Calculator Today we’re announcing the availability of the Microsoft Sustainability Calculator,a Power BI application for Azure enterprise customers that provides new insight into carbon emissions data associated with their Azure services. Migrating from traditional datacenters to cloud services significantly improves efficiencies, however, enterprises are now looking for additional insights into the carbon impact of their cloud workloads to help them make more sustainable computing decisions. For the first time, those responsible for reporting on and driving sustainability within their organizations will have the ability to quantify the carbon impact of each Azure subscription over a period of time and datacenter region, as well as see estimated carbon savings from running those workloads in Azure versus on-premises datacenters.This data is crucial for reporting existing emissions and is the first step in establishing a foundation to drive further decarbonization efforts. Microsoft Sustainability Calculator carbon data visualization view Providing transparency with rigorous methodology The tool’s calculations are based on a customer’s Azure consumption, informed by the research in the 2018 whitepaper, “The Carbon Benefits of Cloud Computing: a Study of the Microsoft Cloud”, and have been independently verified by Apex, a leading environmental verification body. The calculator factors in inputs such as the energy requirements of the Azure service, the energy mix of the electric grid serving the hosting datacenters, Microsoft’s procurement of renewable energy in those datacenters, as well as the emissions associated with the transfer of data over the internet.The result is an estimate of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, measured in total metric tons of carbon equivalent (MTCO2e) related to a customer’s consumption of Azure. The calculator gives a granular view of the estimated emissions savings from running workloads on Azure by accounting for Microsoft’s IT operational efficiency, IT equipment efficiency, and datacenter infrastructure efficiency compared to that of a typical on-premises deployment. It also estimates the emissions savings attributable to a customer from Microsoft’s purchase of renewable energy.The calculator gives a granular view of the estimated emissions savings from running workloads on Azure by accounting for Microsoft’s IT operational efficiency, IT equipment efficiency, and datacenter infrastructure efficiency compared to that of a typical on-premises deployment. It also estimates the emissions savings attributable to a customer from Microsoft’s purchase of renewable energy.The calculator gives a granular view of the estimated emissions savings from running workloads on Azure by accounting for Microsoft’s IT operational efficiency, IT equipment efficiency, and datacenter infrastructure efficiency compared to that of a typical on-premises deployment. It also estimates the emissions savings attributable to a customer from Microsoft’s purchase of renewable energy.

Microsoft Sustainability Calculator carbon data visualization view

Thursday, June 3, 2021

The official UK government website for data and insights on coronavirus (COVID-19)


UK summary

The official UK government website for data and insights on coronavirus (COVID-19).

See the simple summary for the UK.


People vaccinated

Up to and including 1 June 2021

Daily — 1st dose
Total — 1st dose
Daily — 2nd dose
Total — 2nd dose
Percentage of adult population
 1st dose
 2nd dose

People tested positive

Latest data provided on 2 June 2021

Last 7 days
arrow 6,496 (34.7%)
Rate per 100,000 people:  32.1
Graph - click for more details


Deaths within 28 days of positive test

Latest data provided on 2 June 2021

Last 7 days
arrow -8 (-14.8%)
Rate per 100,000 people:  0.1
Graph - click for more details


Patients admitted

Latest data provided on 27 May 2021

Last 7 days
arrow 127 (17.1%)

Graph - click for more details


Virus tests conducted

Latest data provided on 1 June 2021

Last 7 days
arrow -1,080,601 (-17.3%)

Graph - click for more details

What's the situation in your local area?

Power BI Covid 19 Dashboard


From 1 May 2021 the Dashboard will no longer be refreshed at weekends or public holidays. Furthermore, data on general beds occupancy will not be collected

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Bitcoin consumes large amounts of electricity, the crypto-currency's sustainability

A new Bitcoin Mining Council has been created to improve the crypto-currency's sustainability, following a meeting of "leading" Bitcoin miners and Elon Musk.

The Tesla CEO tweeted the development was "potentially promising".

It's hoped the council will "promote energy usage transparency" and encourage miners to use renewable sources.

The process of creating Bitcoin consumes large amounts of electricity.

Its value fell earlier this month after Tesla withdrew its support of the crypto-currency, citing environmental concerns.

Bitcoin operates on the blockchain, a digital ledger of transactions.

Miners audit Bitcoin transactions in exchange for an opportunity to acquire the digital currency.

It requires enormous computing power, which in turn uses huge amounts of electricity.

Bitcoin's electricity consumption is currently greater than The Netherlands', according to the Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index.


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Bitcoin Consumes Less Than Half The Energy Of The Banking Or Gold Industries

 A recently released research report from Galaxy Digital has calculated the energy consumed by the Bitcoin network and then compared it to other industries, including the banking industry. It found that Bitcoin consumes 113.89 terawatt hours (TWh) per year, while the banking industry consumes 263.72 TWh per year.

The report put Bitcoin's energy consumption into perspective by distilling some of the unique characteristics of Bitcoin and how they relate to and impact its energy consumption.

More reading

(Not only electricity consumption and not only cryptocurrency.)

See how to trace energy consumption by Pro-Quali - Pro-Level Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) platform at

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Electricity Consumption used to mine bitcoin high

 Bitcoin uses more electricity annually than the whole of Argentina, analysis by Cambridge University suggests.

"Mining" for the cryptocurrency is power-hungry, involving heavy computer calculations to verify transactions.

Cambridge researchers say it consumes around 121.36 terawatt-hours (TWh) a year - and is unlikely to fall unless the value of the currency slumps.

But the rising price offers even more incentive to Bitcoin miners to run more and more machines.

Continue Reading:

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Elon Musk: Tesla will no longer accept bitcoin over climate concerns

 "We are concerned about rapidly increasing use of fossil fuels for Bitcoin mining and transactions, especially coal, which has the worst emissions of any fuel," Mr Musk wrote.

"Cryptocurrency is a good idea... but this cannot come at great cost to the environment."

Bitcoin fell by more than 10% after the tweet, while Tesla shares also dipped.

Continue Reading

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Can 微信支付(Wechat Pay) 支付寶HK(Alipay) Tap & Go 八達通 Octopus HK ( for HK$5,000 digital voucher scheme) use at your woocommerce website checkout?

Every Hong Kong adult resident HK$5,000 in consumption vouchers this summer. Registration can open in the summer holiday, finance chief says.

Do you woocommerce website process this payment method?


With AlipayHK you can enjoy faster, easier and safer payments, In stores or online, your mobile phone is the only wallet you need.

WeChat Pay HK
WeChat can handle all the ways your users want to pay, whether it is via Quick Pay, QR Code, In-App Web-Based, or Native In-App Payments.

Tap & Go
Tap & Go is a mobile payment service proudly presented by HKT Payment Limited, a member of the HKT Group

The Octopus card is a reusable contactless stored value smart card for making electronic payments in online or offline systems in Hong Kong.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

WordPress online booking calendar plugin free


Booking Calendar plugin enable awesome booking system for your site. Simply show availability and receive bookings for your property or service in easy to use booking system with clean and smooth interface.