Tuesday, June 2, 2020

EC-Ship/ Speedpost API Developer

What is API ?
  • Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of Web Services interfaces for the exchange of mail delivery orders and the associated data with third-parties computer systems.
  • For example, with EC-Ship API, your systems can communicate directly with EC-Ship system for performing specific operations, such as, creating posting items, generating address packs, calculating postage charges and tracing items.
  • Your applications can automate the preparation and processing of mail delivery orders in meeting your business needs by using appropriate interface functions.
  • EC-Ship/ Speedpost API is available to Hongkong Post customers free of charge.

Potential Users for API
e-Commerce providers and their partners are potential users of API in providing integrated services for their clients through interfacing their websites to EC-Ship or My Speedpost system. High volume mailers will be able to handle their postings with speed and efficiency.
Pre-requisites of Using EC-Ship API
  • Technical Skills
    Users of API must be familiar with Web Services and have / engage IT development resources to build your own interface programs.
    If users would like to use EC-Ship API, they shall successfully complete the testing of their programmed interfaces at EC-Ship testing environment in accordance with our requirements.
    If users would like to use Speedpost API, they shall successfully complete the testing of their programmed interfaces at My Speedpost testing environment.
  • Business Understanding
    We recommend users of to take a closer look into the products and services offered at EC-Ship/ Speedpost platform. A clear understanding of the features will also help you to get familiar with the API effectively. You may get more details below:
    EC-Ship https://ec-ship.hongkongpost.hk
    My Speedpost https://speedpost.hongkongpost.hk/mailing/soaz/login.jsp

Delivery Services Available Through Trackable API
Currently, Trackable API supports the following delivery services:
  • e-Express Services
  • Air/Surface Registered Mail
  • Air/Surface Parcel Mail
  • Speedpost (Standard Service)
  • Smart Post
  • Local CourierPost (Counter Collection)
  • Local Parcel

Delivery Services Available Through Speedpost API
Currently, Speedpost API supports the following delivery services:
  • Standard Service
  • MultiPack Service
  • Freight Service
  • Next Flight Out Service
  • EC Post Service
  • Economy Express Service

Delivery Services Available Through (Bulk Mailing) Posting API
Currently, (Bulk Mailing) Posting API supports the following delivery services:
  • Bulk Air Mail
  • Direct Agent Bag
  • Identical mails not less than 100 in number
  • International Periodicals
  • Lightweight Air Mail Items
  • Lightweight Surface Mail Items
  • Local Bulk Mail
  • Local Periodicals

Delivery Services Available Through iMail Posting API
Currently, (iMail) Posting API supports the following delivery services:
  • iMail

什麼是 API ?
  • API 可將客戶的郵件及相關資料,由客戶的電腦系統直接連繫到香港郵政投寄易或特快專遞平台。
  • 例如透過投寄易 API ,客戶的電腦系統可直接對投寄易平台作以下操作: 新增郵件工作單、列印郵寄標籤、計算不同郵遞服務的郵費及郵件追查。
  • 客戶可根據貴公司實際需要去使用這些 API ,達致預備及處理郵件全面自動化。
  • 投寄易/ 特快專遞 API 是免費提供給香港郵政客戶的。

誰會使用投寄易 API ?
電子商貿供應商及其合作伙伴可使用這 API 將公司網站連繫投寄易/ 特快專遞平台,來提供客戶一站式綜合服務。另外,大量郵件投寄者都可使用這些介面來提高工作效率。
使用API 的先決條件
  • 電腦技術要求
    首先,用戶必須要熟悉 ”Web 服務” 編寫程式要求,亦需要投放編程資源去開發這 API 。
  • 理解投寄易/特快專遞平台所提供的服務
    我們建議用戶去詳細理解現在投寄易/特快專遞平台所提供的產品及服務。這樣可幫助用戶更快、更有效去運用API 。詳情請瀏覽

可追查郵件 API 所支援的郵遞服務
可追查郵件 API 現在支援以下的郵遞服務:
  • 易網遞(e-Express) 服務
  • 空郵/平郵掛號郵件
  • 空郵/平郵包裹郵件
  • 特快專遞 (標準服務) 郵件
  • 「易送遞」郵件
  • 本地郵政速遞郵件 (櫃位領取)
  • 本地包裹

特快專遞 API 所支援的郵遞服務
特快專遞 API 現在支援以下的郵遞服務:
  • 標準服務
  • 萬用箱服務
  • 貨運服務
  • 瞬時達服務
  • e-郵寶服務
  • 經濟快遞服務

(大量投寄)投寄 API 所支援的郵遞服務
(大量投寄)投寄 API 現在支援以下的郵遞服務:
  • 大量投寄空郵郵件
  • 大量投寄本地郵件
  • 大量投寄輕郵件(空郵)
  • 大量投寄輕郵件(平郵)
  • 代寄商郵袋(平郵印刷品專袋)
  • 本地定期刊物服務
  • 國際定期刊物服務
  • 不少於100件的相同郵件

(易網郵)投寄 API 所支援的郵遞服務
(易網郵)投寄 API 現在支援以下的郵遞服務:
  • 易網郵