Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Virtual Training Services When business is tough, you can’t afford to have persistent weaknesses in your teams and systems.

Virtual Training Services

When business is tough, you can’t afford to have persistent weaknesses in your teams and systems.

Now is the time to focus on bridging these gaps, remedying flaws, and correcting problems. It’s time for skilling up, re-skilling or re-deploying our talents. Leaders need their people to look for new ideas and re-invent ways of doing business. All the while, they have to confront people’s reactions to change and uncertainty.
Dew-Point's Virtual training services
  • Virtual training
  • Blended learning
  • Online coaching
  • Facilitated teamwork
What is virtual training?
  • Live video meetings combined with group assignments
  • E-learning modules combined with group and individual coaching
  • Subject-specific online coaching as well as access to ad-hoc coaching
  • Online team meetings followed up by our facilitators to ensure action and progress
What’s different about Dew-Point's programmes?
With our extensive experience in training and consulting in Asia, Dew-Point understands the challenges of managing change. Our programmes come with our signature customization that you won’t find in other “off-the-shelf” training courses. We design our programmes to meet your needs, which is why we’ve adapted our content for these new formats.
Call us at +852 2730-1151 or enquire below.
We are here to assist in taking you and your people forward into the future.