Thursday, April 23, 2020

Test and run production with API integration by using POSTMAN

Send Requests and View Responses
Create and execute any REST, SOAP, and GraphQL queries from within Postman.

Define complex requests
Send any type of request in Postman. Create and save custom methods and send requests with the following body types:

URL-encoded—The default content type for sending simple text data
multipart/form-data—For sending large quantities of binary data or text containing non-ASCII characters
Raw body editing—For sending data without any encoding
Binary data—For sending image, audio, video, or text files
Get up and running in seconds
Instead of creating calls manually to send over the command line, all you need is a Postman Collection. Import a collection directly or generate one with one click from:

An API schema in the RAML, WADL, OpenAPI, or GraphQL format
A data file containing the cURL commands
Inspect Responses
View the status code, response time, and response size. Postman's automatic language detection, link and syntax highlighting, search, and text formatting make it easy to inspect the response body.

More detail here: