Thursday, October 10, 2019

WWF-Hong Kong’s view on Long-term Decarbonisation Strategy

This paper sets out WWF-Hong Kong’s (WWF) views on an all-rounded and feasible
long-term decarbonisation strategy for Hong Kong. In order to achieve the goal of
limiting global heating to 1.5°C, all 7 key elements below should be adopted and
implemented by policymakers:
1. HKSAR Government to show strong leadership and determination to
limit global heating to 1.5°C through setting a legally-bound, sciencebased target by 2022
The Chief Executive should lead all government departments, public bodies,
and agencies to develop and commit to legally-bound, science-based targets
aimed at limiting global heating to 1.5°C.
2. Meet 10% renewable energy (RE) target by 2030, achieve net zero
emission by 2048 through global and regional cooperation
It is necessary to innovate, diversify, and magnify the application of solar PV
technology. In the long-term, explore global and regional cooperation for RE
trade and avoid trade-offs. The Government should not construct new
additional gas-fired generating units in the next Scheme of Control
agreement. Avoid further sourcing of nuclear energy. Stricter rules should be
applied to the application of bioenergy.
3. Realise a 50% energy saving improvement roadmap to 2050
It is essential to establish a mandatory climate change mitigation and
adaptation building scheme to all new building and introduce a carbon
budgeting mechanism for existing buildings.
4. Introduce decarbonisation financing scheme and put a true cost on
Replicate energy efficiency and renewable energy projects within government
properties to open spaces and privately-owned buildings. Open for public
acquisition and allocate complementary shares to the public. Conduct studies
on the economic, social, and financial implications of the climate crisis, and
design a progressive carbon charging system.
5. Establish a global extensive native-species reforestation program for
extant grassland areas
Reforestation can contribute to carbon sequestration and make Hong Kong
more carbon neutral. Subtropical forests can sequester 10 to 30 metric tonnes
of carbon per hectare. It can also reduce erosion and bolster freshwater
6. Rethink urban planning and transform Hong Kong into one of Asia’s
most walkable cities
Mandate district cooling systems in the urban planning process. Develop
underground pedestrian commute paths to promote a low carbon lifestyle.
Phase out sales of petrol and diesel cars by 2030. Roll out a “no-car-day” in
city centers. Provide incentives for electric vehicle acquisition and operation.
7. Healthy and wealthy, people-centric strategy
It is essential to put people at the heart of the decarbonisation policies. Set
up a public engagement team to regularly collect public feedback on longterm strategy. Introduce a compulsory climate crisis course for kindergarten,
primary and secondary school. Promote home office, community working
center and community-based job creation to avoid long distance commute.
Avoid inequalities when forming a new scheme.
