Saturday, May 18, 2024

Twitter migration to completed

Typing in the twitter old address now redirects to,. You still can access the site using the old URL for the time being. Elon Musk’s this move to rebrand the company since last July and finally completed.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Create a WordPress site Azure App Service

WordPress is an open source Content Management System (CMS) used by over 40% of the web to create websites, blogs, and other applications. WordPress can be run on a few different Azure services: AKS, Virtual Machines, Azure Container Apps and Azure App Service. For a full list of WordPress options on Azure, see WordPress on Azure Marketplace.

In this quickstart, you'll learn how to create and deploy your first WordPress site to Azure App Service on Linux with Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server using the WordPress Azure Marketplace item by App Service. This quickstart uses the Standard tier for your app and a Burstable, B2s tier for your database, and incurs a cost for your Azure Subscription. For pricing, visit App Service pricing, Azure Database for MySQL pricing, Content Delivery Network pricing, and Azure Blob Storage pricing.

To complete this quickstart, you need an Azure account with an active subscription. Create an account for free.

Create WordPress site using Azure portal

  1. To start creating the WordPress site, browse to
  2. In the Basics tab, under Project details, make sure the correct subscription is selected. Select Create new resource group and type myResourceGroup for the name.
  3. Under Hosting details, select a Region you want to serve your app from, then type a globally unique name for your web app. Under Hosting plans, select Standard. Select Change plan to view features and price comparisons.
  4. Under WordPress setup, choose your preferred Site Language, then type an Admin Email, Admin Username, and Admin Password. The Admin Email is used for WordPress administrative sign-in only. Clear the Enable multisite checkbox.
  5. Select the Advanced tab. If you're unfamiliar with an Azure CDN, Azure Front Door, or Blob Storage, then clear the checkboxes. For more details on the Content Distribution options, see WordPress on App Service.
  6. Select the Review + create tab. After validation runs, select the Create button at the bottom of the page to create the WordPress site.
  7. Browse to your site URL and verify the app is running properly. The site may take a few minutes to load. If you receive an error, allow a few more minutes then refresh the browser.
  8. To access the WordPress Admin page, browse to /wp-admin and use the credentials you created in the WordPress setup step.

Friday, April 5, 2024

How to Speed Up WordPress Website Performance Optimization

Speed Optimizer – The All-In-One WordPress Performance-Boosting Plugin

The award-winning Speed Optimizer plugin is a free WordPress performance-boosting solution to improve user experience, increase conversion rates and drive more traffic. Achieve better SEO rankings, improve Core Web Vitals and enhance your Google Page Speed Score.

If your WordPress site is overloaded with an excessive amount of styles and scripts, and you’re aware that those elements are redundant, this plugin is for you. Just decide which styles and scripts you want to remove, disable them in the plugin settings and enjoy!

WP-Optimize is trusted by more than 1 million WordPress website owners to boost performance and reduce page load times to improve your site’s user experiences and SERP rankings in Google.

10Web Booster is the speed optimization plugin for improving the overall performance of any website.10Web Booster wants you to focus and thrive in the creative aspects of your WordPress website by allowing us to concentrate on your WordPress performance optimization.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Wordpress LoginPress wp-login Custom Login Page Customizer

LoginPress Plugin by LoginPress holds a lot of customization fields to change the layout of the login page of WordPress. You can modify the look and feel of login page completely even the login error messages, forgot error messages, registration error messages, forget password hint message and many more.

LoginPress Plugin would give you and your users a feeling that it is a custom login page and a part of the site layout. You must checkout the Demo video of how you can customize WordPress login page.

Getting Started video for customizing login page using LoginPress here

Tuesday, February 20, 2024


With our NEXT GEN ESG CLOUD APP, our Dashboards are a collection of Insights and KPIs. Streaming data collection to visual components, sustainability team can track and monitor ESG performances. 

Contact us and get your free quotation

Monday, January 15, 2024

Patrokles QA Manager – Seamless collaboration from product idea to conformity declaration

Move from spreadsheet and email firefighting to a centralised web-based platform with one version of the truth

  • Get on top of regulatory requirements (and stay there)
  • Make well informed, risk based decisions
  • Collaborate with suppliers to always meet your standards
  • Sell only products that are safe to use, environmentally responsible, and fit for purpose
  • Stay off market surveillance authority radar screens


Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Reasons Why You Should Use WordPress In 2024

WordPress is a excellent Content Management System (CMS) 

WordPress is a web content management system. It was originally created as a tool to publish blogs but has evolved to support publishing other web content, including more traditional websites, mailing lists and Internet forum, media galleries, membership sites, learning management systems and online stores.

WordPress is extendable to different business

With different plugins like Woocommerce, Newsmatic, PayPal, WP-Members, you can easily expand your business to these:

  • Company / Business websites 
  • Ecommerce / Online Shop and Online Payment
  • Blogs / News websites
  • Membership System
  • Portfolios and Galleries 
  • Integration with stock inventory and multi-channel sales.

WordPress is great at SEO.

WordPress is optimizing SEO by free plugin like Yoast SEO, All in One SEO for WordPress (AIOSEO) and many keywords analysis / generation tools.

WordPress is free. WordPress is Open Source.

Download is available freely and freely installation on your existing hosting. WordPress is always update automatically from time to time.

Thursday, January 4, 2024 or Comparison

Good for

Free plan

Backups included

Option to upgrade as your site grows

Bad for

Limited storage (Only 1GB). upgraded is a must.

Themes is very limited

No own domain. (upgradable)

Good for

Themes and plugins are  available to choose by owner.

Content/Images are controlled by owner.

Domain is controlled by owner.

Bad for

Find your own hosting plan and purchase domain cost.

COP28 Agreement Signals “Beginning of the End” of the Fossil Fuel Era

UN Climate Change News, 13 December 2023 – The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) closed today with an agreement that signals the “beginning of the end” of the fossil fuel era by laying the ground for a swift, just and equitable transition, underpinned by deep emissions cuts and scaled-up finance.

In a demonstration of global solidarity, negotiators from nearly 200 Parties came together in Dubai with a decision on the world’s first ‘global stocktake’ to ratchet up climate action before the end of the decade – with the overarching aim to keep the global temperature limit of 1.5°C within reach.

“Whilst we didn’t turn the page on the fossil fuel era in Dubai, this outcome is the beginning of the end,” said UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell in his closing speech. “Now all governments and businesses need to turn these pledges into real-economy outcomes, without delay.”

The global stocktake is considered the central outcome of COP28 – as it contains every element that was under negotiation and can now be used by countries to develop stronger climate action plans due by 2025.

The stocktake recognizes the science that indicates global greenhouse gas emissions need to be cut 43% by 2030, compared to 2019 levels, to limit global warming to 1.5°C. But it notes Parties are off track when it comes to meeting their Paris Agreement goals.

The stocktake calls on Parties to take actions towards achieving, at a global scale, a tripling of renewable energy capacity and doubling energy efficiency improvements by 2030. The list also includes accelerating efforts towards the phase-down of unabated coal power, phasing out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies, and other measures that drive the transition away from fossil fuels in energy systems, in a just, orderly and equitable manner, with developed countries continuing to take the lead.

In the short-term, Parties are encouraged to come forward with ambitious, economy-wide emission reduction targets, covering all greenhouse gases, sectors and categories and aligned with the 1.5°C limit in their next round of climate action plans (known as nationally determined contributions) by 2025.

Helping countries strengthen resilience to the effects of climate change

The two-week-long conference got underway with the World Climate Action Summit, which brought together 154 Heads of States and Government. Parties reached a historic agreement on the operationalization of the loss and damage fund and funding arrangements – the first time a substantive decision was adopted on the first day of the conference. Commitments to the fund started coming in moments after the decision was gaveled, totaling more than USD 700 million to date.

There was more progress on the loss and damage agenda with an agreement also reached that the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction and the UN Office for Project Services will host the secretariat of the Santiago Network for Loss and Damage. This platform will catalyze technical assistance to developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change.

Parties agreed on targets for the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) and its framework, which identify where the world needs to get to in order to be resilient to the impacts of a changing climate and to assess countries’ efforts. The GGA framework reflects a global consensus on adaptation targets and the need for finance, technology and capacity-building support to achieve them.

Increasing climate finance

Climate finance took center stage at the conference, with Stiell repeatedly calling it the “great enabler of climate action.”

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) received a boost to its second replenishment with six countries pledging new funding at COP28 with total pledges now standing at a record USD 12.8 billion from 31 countries, with further contributions expected.

Eight donor governments announced new commitments to the Least Developed Countries Fund and Special Climate Change Fund totaling more than USD 174 million to date, while new pledges, totaling nearly USD 188 million so far, were made to the Adaptation Fund at COP28.

However as highlighted in the global stocktake, these financial pledges are far short of the trillions eventually needed to support developing countries with clean energy transitions, implementing their national climate plans and adaptation efforts.

In order to deliver such funding, the global stocktake underscores the importance of reforming the multilateral financial architecture, and accelerating the ongoing establishment of new and innovative sources of finance.

At COP28, discussions continued on setting a ‘new collective quantified goal on climate finance’ in 2024, taking into account the needs and priorities of developing countries. The new goal, which will start from a baseline of USD 100 billion per year, will be a building block for the design and subsequent implementation of national climate plans that need to be delivered by 2025.

Looking ahead to the transitions to decarbonized economies and societies that lie ahead, there was agreement that the mitigation work programme, which was launched at COP27 last year, will continue until 2030, with at least two global dialogues held each year.

Event participation and inclusivity

World leaders at COP28 were joined by civil society, business, Indigenous Peoples, youth, philanthropy, and international organizations in a spirit of shared determination to close the gaps to 2030. Some 85,000 participants attended COP28 to share ideas, solutions, and build partnerships and coalitions.

The decisions taken here today also reemphasize the critical importance of empowering all stakeholders to engage in climate action; in particular through the action plan on Action for Climate Empowerment and the Gender Action Plan.

Strengthening collaboration between governments and key stakeholders

In parallel with the formal negotiations, the Global Climate Action space at COP28 provided a platform for governments, businesses and civil society to collaborate and showcase their real-world climate solutions.

The High-Level Champions, under the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action, launched their implementation roadmap of 2030 Climate Solutions. These are a set of solutions, with insights from a wide range of non-Party stakeholders on effective measures that need to be scaled up and replicated to halve global emissions, address adaptation gaps and increase resilience by 2030.

The conference also saw several announcements to boost the resilience of food and public health systems, and to reduce emissions related to agriculture and methane.

Looking ahead

The negotiations on the ‘enhanced transparency framework’ at COP28 laid the ground for a new era of implementing the Paris Agreement. UN Climate Change is developing the transparency reporting and review tools for use by Parties, which were showcased and tested at COP28. The final versions of the reporting tools should be made available to Parties by June 2024.

COP28 also saw Parties agree to Azerbaijan as host of COP29 from 11-22 November 2024, and Brazil as COP30 host from 10-21 November 2025.

The next two years will be critical. At COP29, governments must establish a new climate finance goal, reflecting the scale and urgency of the climate challenge. And at COP30, they must come prepared with new nationally determined contributions that are economy-wide, cover all greenhouse gases and are fully aligned with the 1.5°C temperature limit.

“We must get on with the job of putting the Paris Agreement fully to work,” said Stiell. “In early 2025, countries must deliver new nationally determined contributions. Every single commitment – on finance, adaptation, and mitigation – must bring us in line with a 1.5-degree world.”

“My final message is to ordinary people everywhere raising their voices for change,” Stiell added. “Every one of you is making a real difference. In the crucial coming years your voices and determination will be more important than ever. I urge you never to relent. We are still in this race. We will be with you every single step of the way.”

“The world needed to find a new way. By following our North Star, we have found that path,” said COP28 President, Dr. Sultan Al Jaber during his closing speech. “We have worked very hard to secure a better future for our people and our planet. We should be proud of our historic achievement.”