Wednesday, May 31, 2023

A lawyer used ChatGPT to prepare a court filing

 A lawyer who relied on ChatGPT to prepare a court filing on behalf of a man suing an airline is now all too familiar with the artificial intelligence tool's shortcomings — including its propensity to invent facts. 

While ChatGPT can be useful to professionals in numerous industries, including the legal profession, it has proved itself to be both limited and unreliable. In this case, the AI invented court cases that didn't exist, and asserted that they were real.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

ChatGPT for Google

Display ChatGPT response alongside search engine results

This is an extension that shows responses from ChatGPT alongside Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo and other search engines.

You can also start a chat with ChatGPT immediately after getting an answer.


* Supports all popular search engines

* Chat with ChatGPT about the query and answer.

* Supports official OpenAI API (Both GPT-3.5-Turbo and GPT-3)

* Supports ChatGPT Plus and GPT-4 (GPT-4 requires manual enable in options)

* Access ChatGPT from extension popup

* Markdown rendering

* Code highlights


Bing is now the default search for ChatGPT

OpenAI will start using Bing as the default search experience for ChatGPT. The new search functionality will be rolling out to ChatGPT Plus users. Bing integration into ChatGPT is a win for Microsoft’s search engine.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Official ChatGPT App for iPhone Expands to 40+ Countries

 OpenAI promised that it would expand to more countries in the coming weeks. As of today, the app can be used in Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Estonia, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kuwait, Lebanon, Lithuania, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Namibia, Nauru, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Qatar, Slovenia, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, the UK, and the United States.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

ChatGPT does not pass American College of Gastroenterology tests

The natural language processing model Chat Generative Pretrained Transformer (ChatGPT) does not pass the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) Self-Assessment Tests.

The researchers found that ChatGPT-3 and ChatGPT-4 scored 65.1% and 62.4%, respectively, on 455 included questions across the two exams.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

10 Best WordPress Plugins in 2023 - 10 MonsterInsights Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress

 With over 3 million active installs, MonsterInsights is the most popular Google Analytics plugin for WordPress.

We believe that it’s easy to double your traffic and sales when you know exactly how people find and use your website. MonsterInsights shows you the analytics and stats that matter, so you can grow your business with confidence.

At MonsterInsights, we make it “effortless” to properly connect your WordPress site with Google Analytics, so you can start making data-driven decisions to grow your business.

Unlike other Google Analytics plugins, MonsterInsights allows you to enable all advanced Google Analytics tracking features with just a few clicks (no need to hire a developer).

The best part is that MonsterInsights comes with an analytics dashboard for WordPress that shows you actionable analytics reports right inside your WordPress dashboard. We have created customized reports that eliminate the fluff and only show you the stats that matter, so you can see exactly what’s working and what’s not!

Simply put, MonsterInsights is the most complete Google Analytics plugin for WordPress that’s both EASY and POWERFUL.

That’s why millions of small businesses and top companies like Microsoft, Bloomberg, FedEx, Yelp, Subway, etc. use MonsterInsights to setup Google Analytics on their WordPress sites.

MonsterInsights Pro
This plugin is the lite version of MonsterInsights Pro plugin that comes with all the tracking features you will ever need including events tracking, ecommerce tracking, custom dimensions tracking, page speed reports, popular post tracking, custom dimensions, affiliate link tracking, video tracking and tons more. Click here to purchase the best premium Google Analytics plugin for WordPress now!

We took the pain out of installing Google Analytics in WordPress and made it easy. Here’s why over 3 million smart business owners, designers, and developers love MonsterInsights, and you will too!


Properly setting up Google Analytics is complicated. You have to either hire a developer or learn how to add advanced code snippets to your website in many different areas. This process can take days or weeks…and can even break your website!

With MonsterInsights, we made it “effortless” to properly setup Google Analytics in WordPress. Yes, you can enable all advanced Google Analytics features with just a few clicks.

If you can point-and-click, then you can set up Google Analytics inside WordPress and start seeing insights in under 15 minutes (no code necessary).

We keep up with all Google Analytics updates, including the new Google Analytics 4 (GA4), so you can sleep well at night knowing that your website will always stay up to date with the newest features.

See what one business owner is saying about MonsterInsights:

It just works. Really easy way to insert Google Analytics tracking code and keep it there when switching themes. No need to copy/paste code anywhere. This is the best way to handle Google Analytics in WordPress.
Steven Gliebe


Our goal at MonsterInsights is to make Google Analytics easy and accessible for everyone.

We understand that Google Analytics has a steep learning curve which often prevents small business owners from making informed decisions to grow their business.

That’s why MonsterInsights comes with a built-in Google Analytics Dashboard for your WordPress site, so you can see all the useful information about your visitors right inside your WordPress dashboard without needing to login somewhere else.

We have even created customized reports to help you filter through the noise and see the stats that really matter!

  • Audience Report helps you get to know your visitors in a whole new way. It shows you detailed insights like which country your visitors are coming from, what are they most interested in, which device are they using, their age, gender, and a whole lot more. You can use this demographics report and audience clues to tweak your website design and content accordingly.

  • Publishers Report helps you understand which pages your visitors are arriving, and which pages they are leaving from. Designed specifically for blogs and other resource sites, this powerful report will show you which outbound links are getting clicked so you can easily optimize for higher conversions.

  • Behavior Report shows you exactly how people find your website, which keywords did they search for, who referred them, what did they click on your site, and more. You can use these useful stats to identify low-hanging fruits, new partnership opportunities, and promotional areas to focus on.

  • Content Report shows you stats on exactly which content gets the most visits, so you can stop guessing and start creating content that gets more traffic and conversion.

  • Ecommerce Report shows you important store stats like total revenue, conversion rate, average order value, top referral sources, and more (all in one place).

  • Forms Report shows you conversion stats for various contact forms and lead forms on your website, so you can improve the conversions to grow your business.

  • Search Console Report shows you exactly how well your website is ranking in Google, so you can further optimize your SEO to grow your organic traffic.

  • Custom Dimensions Report helps you dig deeper by showing you useful stats like who are your most popular authors, what are the best publication times, which are your most popular categories or tags, how well are your Yoast focus keywords and SEO score performing, and more.

  • Site Speed Report makes it easy to track pagespeed insights and loading times for your website and get the information you need to improve user experience and your SEO rankings.

Our custom Google Analytics Dashboard reports are based on over 12+ years of online business experience. We built MonsterInsights to be the Google Analytics plugin that we wish we had.

We currently use MonsterInsights on all our portfolio companies which include both media sites generating tens of millions of pageviews and eCommerce sites generating millions in sales.

That’s why we can confidently say that MonsterInsights is the ultimate Google Analytics Shortcut for seeing the stats that matter and making data-driven decisions to grow your business.

I love being able to drill down into the analytics via the reporting feature. I have the PRO version and it makes a big difference what you can analyze. I’m glad that I can integrate with Pretty Links too!
Kim Beasley – MonsterInsights user


Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce tracking is a powerful feature that lets you track user behavior across your online store starting from product views to checkout page to thank you page and beyond.

With MonsterInsights’ easy WooCommerce integration, you can setup WooCommerce analytics with literally 1-click.

Once you have enabled WooCommerce tracking, MonsterInsights will show you all important WooCommerce metrics in a single dashboard including WooCommerce conversion rate, top products in your WooCommerce store, total transactions, total revenue, average order value, top referral sources, and more.

Our WooCommerce analytics report also includes other detailed WooCommerce event tracking data like total add to carts, total removed from cart, time to purchase, and sessions to purchase.

For those who want to go beyond our WooCommerce stats dashboard, you can easily open up the Google Analytics dashboard to combine WooCommerce data with other secondary dimensions and filters to find exactly what you’re looking for.

Aside from WooCommerce Google Analytics integration, MonsterInsights’ eCommerce addon also offers seamless integration for the Easy Digital Downloads plugin.

Our Easy Digital Downloads Google Analytics integration allows you to set up Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking on your store with just 1-click.

Our eCommerce tracking works with other popular ecommerce plugins such as MemberPress, GiveWP, LifterLMS, Restrict Content Pro, and more.

Each integration works automatically with Google Analytics Universal (GA3) and Google Analytics 4 (GA4), so that your site can be prepared for future changes.

Simply put, MonsterInsights’ Enhanced Ecommerce for WordPress feature is by far the easiest and most powerful in the market.


MonsterInsights helps make Google Analytics GDPR compliance easier for business owners.

Our EU compliance addon allows you to:

  • Anonymize IP in Google Analytics
  • Disable the Demographics and Interest Reports for Remarketing and Advertising
  • Disable UserID and author name tracking
  • Enable the ga() compatibility mode
  • Integrate with Cookie Notice and CookieBot plugins to collect user consent before tracking
  • Integrate with Google AMP Consent Box before enable tracking
  • Integrate with Google Analytics’s Chrome browser opt-out extension and built-in cookie opt-out system
  • Offer Easy Opt Out link for Google Analytics tracking

While no single plugin can guarantee 100% GDPR compliance in WordPress, MonsterInsights goes to great length in helping business owners with GDPR compliance.

For more details, see: GDPR and MonsterInsights – Everything You Need to Know.


MonsterInsights uses Google Analytics universal tracking, so you can track your users across devices and platforms.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a project by Google that helps you speed up your website. However if you don’t set it up properly, Google AMP can cause you to lose your website analytics. Our Google Analytics AMP integration allows you to have accurate tracking on all AMP enabled pages. It works seamlessly with AMP for WordPress plugin.

We also offer 1-click Google Analytics integration with Facebook Instant Articles.

At MonsterInsights, we always stay ahead of the curve in helping you integrate WordPress with the latest Google Analytics tracking features.

Analytics for PROs! This plugin brings it all, great features and helpful info to easily see what you are doing.
Frank van der Sluijs


Our affiliate link tracking makes it easy for bloggers and affiliate marketers to track their affiliate links with Google Analytics.

MonsterInsights uses event tracking for all WordPress outbound link tracking which is far more accurate than any built-in WordPress analytics solution.

Unlike other WordPress analytics plugin, our Google Analytics affiliate link tracking does NOT slow down your website because all events are recorded via JavaScript and sent straight to your account.

Most other WordPress stats plugin track data on your WordPress hosting server which slows down your website and does not scale for larger websites.

Since our affiliate link tracking uses Google Analytics’ powerful servers, we can skip WordPress entirely.

MonsterInsights’ affiliate link tracking feature works with all WordPress affiliate link management plugins including Pretty Links, Thirsty Affiliates, and others.


Our Google Analytics event tracking feature for WordPress doesn’t just stop at affiliate link tracking.

You can use MonsterInsights custom Google analytics event tracking feature to easily add outbound-link tracking, file downloads tracking, call-to-action button tracking, hashmark tracking, telephone link tracking, and more.

Our powerful Forms Tracking addon uses Google Analytics custom event tracking feature to enable form analytics in WordPress. With just 1-click, you can enable form conversion tracking for your contact forms, lead generation forms, registration forms, surveys, and any other type of form in WordPress.

MonsterInsights’ Custom Dimensions addon allows you to push WordPress analytics even further. You can use Google Analytics custom dimensions to generate helpful WordPress stats for:

  • Author Tracking – see stats for each author to find which author’s posts generate the most traffic.
  • Post Type Tracking – see stats for WordPress post types to find out which sections are performing the best.
  • Category Tracking – see stats for your WordPress categories to find out which sections of your sites are the most popular.
  • Tags Tracking – see stats for your WordPress tags to find out which tags are the most popular.
  • SEO Score Tracking – see stats for your Yoast SEO score and see how it impacts your traffic.
  • Focus Keyword Tracking – see stats for Yoast focus keyword and see how it correlates with your traffic.
  • Logged-in User Tracking – see WordPress stats for what percentage of your users are logged-in.
  • User ID Tracking – see stats for each individual logged-in user’s activity through User ID custom dimension – great for Ecommerce and membership sites.
  • Published Time Tracking – track the performance of your posts based on their published time.

Simply put, MonsterInsights allow you to take full advantage of all the powerful Google Analytics features.

I like how simple it is for client users and how I can turn on the advanced features for myself to get all the details right.
Skip Shean


Help future-proof your website’s analytics with MonsterInsights Dual Tracking. With our dual analytics tracking, you can easily use both Google Analytics 3 and Google Analytics 4 without any special coding or configuration.


MonsterInsights is the most popular analytics plugin for adding Google Analytics to WordPress multisite.

We have built-in all permissions and controls that you would need to successfully run Google Analytics on a WordPress multi-site.

You can control who has access to view the Google Analytics Dashboard report in WordPress. Our permissions setting allows you to hide analytics reports for specific user roles.

Similarly, we understand that some sites may want to exclude logged-in users from tracking. MonsterInsights gives you granular control to exclude admin in Analytics as well as other user roles.

Our performance addon allows you to adjust sample rate and site speed sample rates for Google Analytics.

By now you can probably see why MonsterInsights has become the most popular Google Analytics plugin for WordPress.

We understand Google Analytics better than any other analytics plugin for WordPress.


  • Quick and Easy Setup – Easily setup Google Analytics for WordPress with just a few clicks (no coding needed)
  • Real Time Stats – See real time stats inside your Google Analytics dashboard.
  • Universal Tracking – Get better insights with Google Analytics’ universal tracking.
  • Google Analytics Dashboard – See the stats that matter from right inside your WordPress dashboard with custom Publisher Report, Ecommerce report, and Search Console report.
  • Google Analytics 4 Support – Easily set up and send proper website tracking data to Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
  • eCommerce Tracking – Add Google Analytics Ecommerce tracking to WordPress.
  • WooCommerce Google Analytics – Add Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking to your WooCommerce store.
  • User Journeys – See exactly which pages a customer visited before before purchasing from your WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, MemberPress, LifterLMS, Restrict Content Pro, or GiveWP website.
  • Easy Digital Downloads Google Analytics – Add Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking to your EDD store.
  • Affiliate Link Tracking – Track your affiliate links and get stats that matter.
  • Google Ads Conversion Tracking – Automatically track Google Ads conversions for WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, MemberPress, LifterLMS, Restrict Content Pro, or GiveWP websites.
  • Meta Pixel (Facebook, Instagram Ads) PPC Conversion Tracking – Automatically track pageviews and Purchases for WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, MemberPress, LifterLMS, Restrict Content Pro, or GiveWP websites.
  • Microsoft Ads (Bing Ads) PPC Conversion Tracking – Automatically track Microsoft Ads purchases for WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, MemberPress, LifterLMS, Restrict Content Pro, or GiveWP websites.
  • File Download Tracking – Enable file download stats with just a click.
  • Custom Link Tracking – Track your outbound link clicks with Google Analytics.
  • Events Tracking – Track custom button and banner clicks with Google Analytics.
  • Custom Dimensions Tracking – Enable Google analytics custom dimensions tracking for WordPress.
  • Author Tracking – See author stats and discover who’s the most popular author on your site.
  • Popular Post Tracking – See which blog post and section is the most popular.
  • YouTube Google Analytics – Easily and automatically track embedded YouTube video starts, stops, and progression of your YouTube videos.
  • Vimeo Google Analytics – Easily and automatically track embedded Vimeo video starts, stops, and progression of your YouTube videos.
  • HTML5 Video Google Analytics – Easily and automatically track embedded HTML5 video starts, stops, and progression of your YouTube videos.
  • Exclude from Tracking – Disable the loading of the Google Analytics tracking on specific pages or posts.
  • Contextual Insights – Get actionable tips on how to improve engagement and get more visitors based on your site’s traffic.
  • Headline Analyzer – Get more clicks and improve SEO following suggestions from our Headline Analyzer directly in the WordPress editor
  • Custom Post Type Tracking – Track the performance of your custom post types.
  • Referral Tracking – See how visitors are finding your website to better focus your marketing efforts.
  • Performance Tracking – Control the performance rate and sample rate for your Google Analytics report.
  • Enhanced Link Attribution – Get better analytics with enhanced link attribution.
  • Email Summaries – Your site’s Google Analytics traffic report delivered straight to your inbox every week.
  • Google Analytics for AMP – Add proper tracking for Google AMP.
  • Google Analytics for Facebook Instant Articles – Add proper tracking for Facebook Analytics.
  • Google Analytics GDPR Compliance – EU compliance addon helps you improve Google Analytics GDPR compliance by adding anonymize IP, cookie consent for opt-out tracking, and more.
  • Form Conversion Tracking – Track conversions for your WordPress forms. Works with all popular plugins including WPForms, Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, Formidable Forms, and more.
  • Google Optimize Tracking – Enable Google Analytics support for Google Optimize A/B Testing.
  • Google Analytics Tools – Helpful tools for Google Analytics such as UTM link tracking builder.
  • Want us to add something else? Suggest a feature and we’ll get it added!

After reading this exhaustive feature list, you can probably imagine why MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress.

Give MonsterInsights a try.

Want to unlock even more features? Upgrade to our Pro version.

Simple, yet powerful. Amazing piece of plugin, does exactly what expected and even more.
Matt Jaworski



Like all WordPress plugins, Google Analytics by MonsterInsights is only available for self-hosted WordPress sites. This means you will need to switch from to if you want to use this plugin on your WordPress site.

For more details, see this infographic on self hosted vs free


This plugin is created by Chris Christoff and Syed Balkhi with sponsorship from WPBeginner.


MonsterInsights® is a registered trademark of MonsterInsights LLC. When writing about the Google Analytics for WordPress plugin by MonsterInsights, please make sure to uppercase the first letters of both word.

  • MonsterInsights (correct)
  • Monster Insights (incorrect)
  • monsterinsights (incorrect)
  • monsterinsight (incorrect)

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

10 Best WordPress Plugins in 2023 - 9 WP-Optimize – Cache, Clean, Compress

 WP-Optimize Cache is a revolutionary, all-in-one WordPress performance plugin that caches your site, cleans your database, compresses your images.

Our cache feature is built around the world’s fastest caching engine. This simple, popular and highly effective tool has everything you need to keep your website fast and thoroughly optimized!

It does it in three clever ways:

  • It allows you to clean and optimise your database.
  • It gives you the option to compress your images.
  • It allows you to cache your pages, for super fast load times (read more caching information below).

It also enables you to minify and asynchronise CSS and JavaScript (aka. “defer CSS JavaScript”).

Extensive tests show the cache feature alone can make WordPress sites at least as fast as any other caching or speed plugin available and often faster. But when you combine the cache with the database optimization, image compression features and minify, the speed difference with alternative solutions is significant.

NEW: The built-in minify feature adds another layer of optimization, reducing the size and number of requests to your server.


Your WordPress database stores everything that you need for your website – plus many things that you don’t. WP-Optimize Cache clears out all of this unnecessary data, cleans up your tables and even retrieves space lost to data fragmentation.

Mobile-friendly and incredibly simple to use, it:

  • Removes all unnecessary data (e.g. trashed/unapproved/spam comments, stale data) plus pingbacks, trackbacks and expired transient options
  • Compacts/de-fragment MySQL tables with a button-press
  • Detailed control of which optimizations you wish to carry out
  • Carries out automatic weekly (or otherwise) clean-ups
  • Retains a set number of weeks’ data during clean-ups
  • Performs optimizations without the need for running manual queries
  • Automatically trigger a pre-optimize backup via UpdraftPlus
  • Show database statistics and potential savings

Why is this important?

  • The tables in MySQL (the database that WordPress uses) will, over time, become inefficient as data is added, removed, moved around. Asking MySQL to optimize its tables every now and again will keep your site running as fast as possible. It won’t happen by itself.
  • Every-time you save a new post or pages, WordPress creates a revision of that post or page. If you edit a post 6 times you might have 5 copy of that post as revisions. This quickly adds lots of rarely-used data to your database tables, making them unnecessarily bloated, and slower to access.
  • There might be thousands of spam and un-approved comments in your comments table, WP-Optimize Cache can clean and remove those in a single click.
  • WP-Optimize Cache reports which database tables have overhead and wasted space to allow you to reduce them.
  • Automatically cleans your database every week and respects the “Keep last [selected number] weeks data” option.


  • Make space: When you edit a post or page on your website, WordPress automatically saves the new revision to the database. If you edit things a few times (and particularly if the post is long), your database soon gets clogged up with old revisions that just sit there, taking up valuable space. WP-Optimize Cache removes these unnecessary post revisions, freeing up valuable Megabytes of data and increasing speed and efficiency. It also cleans up your comments table, removing all the spam and un-approved comments that have built up with a single click.

  • Take control: WP-Optimize Cache reports on exactly which of your database tables have overhead and wasted space, giving you the insight, control and power to keep your website neat, fast and efficient.

  • Keep it clean and fast: Once enabled, WP-Optimize Cache can run an automatic clean-up on a schedule, keeping a selected number of weeks’ data, according to your specification.


Loading large images is often the biggest culprit in slowing your site’s loading time.

WP-Optimize Cache has an image-compression tool that uses cutting-edge lossy compression techniques to convert large images (which take a long time to load up) into compressed files saved in your image library, where they can be uploaded in an instant.

It enables you to compress PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP and TIF pictures up to 5MB in size, and it’s packed with other useful features, including:

  • Bulk compression, allowing you to compress multiple existing images at the same time.
  • Intelligent, multi-pass lossy compression algorithm, which gives you twice the compression with much less loss of quality.
  • ‘Restore Originals’ function, which allows you to retrieve or revert back to your original images at any point.
  • Auto-compress function, which automatically compress images as they’re added to the site.
  • EXIF Data-Keeping means image information is retained even once the image is compressed.

This WordPress plugin allows you to increase your page speed without compromising the image quality.


Depending on your setup, page caching can be what makes the biggest difference to your website’s speed and performance.

Caching involves keeping dynamic data in a temporary storage area so that it can be retrieved in an instant. Caching is a sure-fire way to ensure that web pages load at lightning-fast speed.

Practically, our powerful yet simple cache feature generates the cache when a user visits any page or post on your site. WordPress processes the dynamic php files to generate that page, and we save it into a static html file in the cache folder, so that when the next user visits, the page is cached and doesn’t need processing. This caching results in a much faster loading time, and gives a slight break to your server. So caching increases speed and performance while reducing the server’s use of resources.

With minimal configuration, caching your site with WP-Optimize Cache is easy to do thanks to a load of useful features, including:

  • Cache preloading to ensure the cache is always ready and loaded.
  • Gzip compression of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS to reduce site load time.
  • Device-Specific cache to ensure the optimized page version is always served.
  • Advanced cache exclusion rules, so that you can cache almost anything by excluding logged in users, specific URLs or cookies.
  • Browser Cache to instruct client browsers to reuse cached resources (HTML, CSS, JS, images) if no changes were made since the last request.


On top of its three main features, WP-Optimize Cache also has the more advanced minification feature. Combining and minifying your site’s assets will reduce the number of requests to your server (by combining them) and reduce their size (by minifying their content).

Together with caching and Gzip compression, this will improve the performance and time to “first contentful paint”.

The minify feature also enables you to defer CSS and JavaScript. Defering CSS and JavaScript allows you to load non-critical assets after the main page load, resulting in an apparent speed gain. Minifying and defering CSS and JavaScript also makes Google PageSpeed Insights happy!

Overall WP-Optimize brings the best cache and optimization technology together in a single seamless plugin to make your WordPress site fast, lean and efficient.


Our free version of WP-Optimize Cache is great, but we also have an even more powerful Premium version with extra features that offer the ultimate in freedom and flexibility:

  • Multisite Support: extends database optimisations so they function for multiple WordPress sites at a time. If you manage more than one website, you will need WP-Optimize Cache Premium.
  • Flexibility and Control: gives you the power to optimize select individual tables or a particular combination of tables on one or more WordPress websites, rather than having to optimize all database tables.
  • Deleting unused and unwanted images: removes orphaned images from your WordPress site, plus images of a certain, pre-defined size.
  • Sophisticated Scheduling: offers a wide range of options for scheduling automatic optimization. Specify an exact time and run clean-ups daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly and perform any number of additional once off optimizations.
  • Seamless Graphical User Interface: for superb clarity in scheduling and managing of multi-site optimizations.
  • WP-CLI support: provides a way to manage optimizations from command-line interface if you have lots of sites
  • Lazy Loading: load only the images and part of a web-page when it is visible to the user so they can see something very quickly.
  • Optimization Preview: gives users the ability to preview, select and remove data and records available for optimization from the database.
  • Preload key requests: preload assets such as web fonts and icon fonts, as recommended by Google PageSpeed Insights.
  • Premium support – caching is one of the most complex things you can do for a website, so premium support offers you peace of mind there’s someone to talk quickly to if you need any technical answers or help configuring the optimizations of cache settings for your website.


Translators are welcome to contribute to the plugin. Please use the WordPress translation website.



Monday, May 22, 2023

WPML - The WordPress Multilingual Plugin

WPML makes it easy to build multilingual sites and run them. It’s powerful enough for corporate sites, yet simple for blogs.

Complete - With WPML you can translate pages, posts, custom types, taxonomy, menus and even the theme’s texts.

Compatible - Every theme or plugin that uses WordPress API runs multilingual with WPML.

Dependable - We provide full support for WPML, helping you deliver perfect websites on time.

Compatible With Your Favorite Themes, Plugins and Page Builders

We work with other authors, to make sure that WPML works great with themes and plugins. To ensure ongoing compatibility, we run automated tests with many themes and plugins. We check that nothing breaks when they or us release updates.

Fast and Accurate Website Translation

Automatic and Human Translation - Automatically translate your entire site and achieve 90% accuracy with Google, DeepL, Microsoft. Then, review and edit only what you need.

Translation Management - Choose what to translate, who will translate it, and the target languages from one dashboard.

High-Quality Professional Translations - Connect WPML with an integrated professional translation service or assign jobs to your own translators. 

Glossary and Translation Memory - Stay consistent by telling WPML exactly how you want terms to appear in your site’s translations. 

With WPML, search engines understand your site’s structure and drive the right traffic to the right languages.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

OpenAI launches ChatGPT app for iOS, Android

OpenAI has officially launched a  ChatGPT app for iOS  and it's free to download. It makes it easier to chat with the bot on the go and incorporates a couple of neat features too. The app supports voice input powered by speech recognition model Whisper. It synchronizes chat history from the ChatGPT web app and other devices with your account assigned. ChatGPT Plus subscribers (paid version) gain access to the GPT-4 version, early access to new features that may come in the future and quicker response times. 

IOS users can download the app from the App Store. Android the same.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Sam Altman: CEO of OpenAI calls for US to regulate artificial intelligence

 The creator of advanced chatbot ChatGPT has called on US lawmakers to regulate artificial intelligence (AI).

Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, testified before a US Senate committee on Tuesday about the possibilities - and pitfalls - of the new technology.

In a matter of months, several AI models have entered the market.

Mr Altman said a new agency should be formed to license AI companies.

ChatGPT and other similar programmes can create incredibly human-like answers to questions - but can also be wildly inaccurate.


Tuesday, May 16, 2023

eBay new ChatGPT plug-in generate description from a photo

eBay is working on a Generative AI solution to automatically create listing descriptions from a photo by sellers. And not just the listing description – the aim is to auto-populate Item Specifics as well. eBay has operated a Core AI platform for years.

OpenAI launched ChatGPT plugins for paid subscribers

 The update is currently only available for subscribers to ChatGPT Plus, who pay $20 per month. The new web-enabled capabilities mean ChatGPT users will be able to access up-to-date information.

ChatGPT mixes up Japan's digital transformation minister Taro Kono with the country's prime minister Fumio Kishida

Japan's digital transformation minister, Taro Kono, says ChatGPT mixed him up with the country's prime minister. Japan's prime minister has been Fumio Kishida since 2021. Kono has never been the prime minister. AI-powered products like OpenAI's chatbot are prone to making mistakes, a point of concern for some AI experts. 

Friday, May 12, 2023

Google has opened its artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot Bard to over 180 countries

 Google (GOOG, GOOGL) on Wednesday announced a host of updates for its Bard generative AI chatbot as competitor Openai's chatgpt in I/O developer conference. This, which is now available to more than 180 countries, will allow you to search and receive responses using images, in multiple languages, and connect to other Google apps. ( powered by Google's Pathways Language Model 2, or PaLM 2)

Thursday, May 11, 2023

How To Export Your ChatGPT conversation

Artificial intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT and ChatGPT technology is hot. With this OpenAI chatbot, you can have conversations like humans.

Do you want to export your ChatGPT data? Here is a simple process that you can do:

Depending on the amount of data you have,  the export time will be very long. A email will be sent to you once it is ready and the link will expire within 24 hours.  Data can be extracted from ZIP file. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

ChatGPT: Can students pass using AI tools at university?

As exam season gets under way, students might be tempted to turn to new artificial intelligence (AI) tools to give them the edge in assessments.

Universities have been scrabbling to understand what AI applications such as ChatGPT are capable of and introduce guidance on how they can be used - and now, they're being urged to teach students how to use them.

Academics at the University of Bath have been considering the challenges and opportunities.


Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Amazon new Alexa with ChatGPT

Amazon is planning its own Alexa with new OpenAI’s ChatGPT, reported based on leaked documents.

For example, tell a story about a cat and a moon for 8 year old will become with “Mittens, the first cat to ever go to the moon.". This is real ChatGPT outcome. And more is in testing phrase.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Microsoft opens up its AI-powered Bing to everyone (regions restricted)

The new AI-powered version of its Bing search engine is launched to anyone (regions restricted)

After three months announced a limited preview of new Bing, powered by the AI chatbot ChatGPT, Microsoft is opening it up to all access the search engine by Microsoft’s Edge.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Samsung bans ChatGPT after leaks

 Samsung has banned the ChatGPT after employees leak internal data to the chatbot.

Memo about restriction of AI systems on company devices and own networks was issued to Samsung staffs

Thursday, May 4, 2023

10 Best WordPress Plugins in 2023 - 7 Speed Booster Pack

Improving your site’s speed will get you a better score on major speed testing services such as Google PageSpeed, GTmetrix, Pingdom, WebPageTest and will also improve your overall site’s usability. This will help Google and other search engines to rank your site higher in search results thus sending more traffic.

Speed Booster Pack is maintained & operated by Optimocha, a company that offers special speed optimization services filled with people who obsess about speed!

Each second of delay can cause up to 20% loss in conversion rates (source: Google). “Conversion” means converting visitors to something more than a “visitor”: leads, customers, subscribers, followers… you name it.

You might lose more than half of your visitors if your website loads slower than three seconds! (source: Google again) More than half of your potential customers might get back to the search results page and navigate to your competitor. This is a huge problem, and it’s hugely overlooked among other SEO-related concerns. People don’t realize how important speed is, in the eyes of search engines.

That’s where Speed Booster Pack comes in: With its ever-evolving codebase, Speed Booster Pack aims to increase your site performance, page load times and PageSpeed (Lighthouse) scores! Optimocha, the company behind Speed Booster Pack, has a team with a pathological obsession for speed; so you can be sure that your site will be in good hands.


With our huge set of features, of course!

  • Core Web Vitals: Speed Booster Pack is made to improve your Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Total Blocking Time (TBT) and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) metrics, which are also known together as Core Web Vitals. (Officially, TBT is not among of the Core Web Vitals metrics but First Input Delay (FID) is. However, Google recommends using TBT instead of FID.) With the right configuration, you can get your PageSpeed scores higher than ever!
  • Caching: Cache your pages into static HTML files, reduce database queries, get a faster website almost immediately. What’s not to love about caching?
  • Optimize Google Fonts: Did you know that there are better ways to load Google fonts? We like to brag about finding one of the best ways.
  • Lazy Load: It’s a disheartening issue that page speed tools encourage laziness… Just kidding, we love being lazy. And search engines will love your pages when you enable lazy loading for images, videos and iframes (except for the above-the-fold stuff, trust us).
  • Optimize JavaScript: You know that totally-not-cryptic “Remove Render-Blocking JavaScript” recommendation? Speed Booster Pack can help defer them all until after the whole HTML is rendered, or at least move all scripts to footer. Works like a charm.
  • Optimize CSS: Who needs all those different CSS files when you can inline them all into your page source? Especially when your CSS footprint is so small? Moreover, you can use the “Critical CSS” feature to essentially lazy-load all your CSS except for the CSS for above-the-fold.
  • Preload Assets: Have some fonts that load in all your pages, or a script, or some CSS files? Preloading them will help modern browsers serve your pages way faster!
  • WooCommerce Optimizations: Disable cart fragments, change Action Scheduler’s retention period, disable things like WooCommerce Marketing and WooCommerce Analytics… and more to come!
  • Dequeue Core Scripts/Styles: Dashicons, jQuery Migrate, emoji script, post embed script… If you don’t need them, you can now choose to prevent them from loading in the first place… which can get you to the first place on your Google SERPs.
  • Localize Google Analytics & Tag Manager: Tracker scripts aren’t the worst things that’ll slow your pages down, but they cause the most “recommendations”. Localizing Google Analytics and/or Google Tag Manager is a good idea to speed up your website then, right? Right?
  • Enable CDN: Integrate your content delivery network to your website by rewriting all static asset URLs with your CDN domain.
  • Cloudflare & Sucuri Integration: Connect to your Cloudflare or Sucuri account so you can clear your cache every time your page cache is cleared.
  • Declutter HEAD: Do you think all that useless junk in your should be gone? Us too! You know what they say: A clear works faster.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

10 Best WordPress Plugins in 2023 - 6 Wordfence Security

 Wordfence Security – Firewall, Malware Scan, and Login Security


WordPress security requires a team of dedicated analysts researching the latest malware variants and WordPress exploits, turning them into firewall rules and malware signatures, and releasing those to customers in real-time. Wordfence is widely acknowledged as the number one WordPress security research team in the World. Our plugin provides a comprehensive suite of security features, and our team’s research is what powers our plugin and provides the level of security that we are known for.

At Wordfence, WordPress security isn’t a division of our business – WordPress security is all we do. We employ a global 24 hour dedicated incident response team that provides our priority customers with a 1 hour response time for any security incident. The sun never sets on our global security team and we run a sophisticated threat intelligence platform to aggregate, analyze and produce ground breaking security research on the newest security threats.

Wordfence Security includes an endpoint firewall, malware scanner, robust login security features, live traffic views, and more. Our Threat Defense Feed arms Wordfence with the newest firewall rules, malware signatures and malicious IP addresses it needs to keep your website safe. Rounded out by 2FA and a suite of additional features, Wordfence is the most comprehensive WordPress security solution available.


Web Application Firewall identifies and blocks malicious traffic. Built and maintained by a large team focused 100% on WordPress security.

[Premium] Real-time firewall rule and malware signature updates via the Threat Defense Feed (free version is delayed by 30 days).

[Premium] Real-time IP Blocklist blocks all requests from the most malicious IPs, protecting your site while reducing load.

Protects your site at the endpoint, enabling deep integration with WordPress. Unlike cloud alternatives does not break encryption, cannot be bypassed and cannot leak data.

Integrated malware scanner blocks requests that include malicious code or content.

Protection from brute force attacks by limiting login attempts.


Malware scanner checks core files, themes and plugins for malware, bad URLs, backdoors, SEO spam, malicious redirects and code injections.

[Premium] Real-time malware signature updates via the Threat Defense Feed (free version is delayed by 30 days).

Compares your core files, themes and plugins with what is in the repository, checking their integrity and reporting any changes to you.

Repair files that have changed by overwriting them with a pristine, original version. Delete any files that don’t belong easily within the Wordfence interface.

Checks your site for known security vulnerabilities and alerts you to any issues. Also alerts you to potential security issues when a plugin has been closed or abandoned.

Checks your content safety by scanning file contents, posts and comments for dangerous URLs and suspicious content.

[Premium] Checks to see if your site or IP have been blocklisted for malicious activity, generating spam or other security issue.


Two-factor authentication (2FA), one of the most secure forms of remote system authentication available via any TOTP-based authenticator app or service.

Login Page CAPTCHA stops bots from logging in.

Disable or add 2FA to XML-RPC.

Block logins for administrators using known compromised passwords.


Wordfence Central is a powerful and efficient way to manage the security for multiple sites in one place.

Efficiently assess the security status of all your websites in one view. View detailed security findings without leaving Wordfence Central.

Powerful templates make configuring Wordfence a breeze.

Highly configurable alerts can be delivered via email, SMS or Slack. Improve the signal to noise ratio by leveraging severity level options and a daily digest option.

Track and alert on important security events including administrator logins, breached password usage and surges in attack activity.

Free to use for unlimited sites.


With Live Traffic, monitor visits and hack attempts not shown in other analytics packages in real time; including origin, their IP address, the time of day and time spent on your site.

Block attackers by IP or build advanced rules based on IP Range, Hostname, User Agent and Referrer.

Country blocking available with Wordfence Premium.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

10 Best WordPress Plugins in 2023 - 5 WooCommerce

WooCommerce is the world’s most popular open-source eCommerce solution.

Our core platform is free, flexible, and amplified by a global community. The freedom of open-source means you retain full ownership of your store’s content and data forever.

Whether you’re launching a business, taking brick-and-mortar retail online, or developing sites for clients, use WooCommerce for a store that powerfully blends content and commerce.

Create beautiful, enticing storefronts with themes suited to your brand and industry.

Increase revenue with an optimized shopping cart experience that converts.

Customize product pages in minutes using modular product blocks.

Showcase physical and digital goods, product variations, custom configurations, instant downloads, and affiliate items.

Sell subscriptions, bookings, or memberships, with our developer-vetted extensions.