Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Find flights with lower carbon emissions at Google Flights

At Google Flights Search, these emissions estimates are flight-specific as well as seat-specific. For instance, newer aircraft are generally less polluting than older aircraft, and emissions increase for premium economy and first-class seats because they take up more space and account for a larger share of total emissions. 

To put these estimates in context, flights with significantly lower emissions will be labeled with a green badge. And if you want to prioritize carbon impact, you can sort all of the results to bring the greenest flights to the top of the list.


  • Eco Emission Data Management System, which developed and integrated with open services (Google Distance API) is an online / cloud based system monitoring of resources consumption on a per-location basis, consumption types include :- 
    • Electricity Consumption
    • Fuel Consumption
    • Gas Consumption
    • Lubricant / Refrigerant / Steam / Material / Paper Consumption
    • Business Travel analysis
    • Air / Road / Sea Freight Logistics Consumption
    • Social Responsibility Dataset
    • Health & Safety Summary
    • CSR and Environment Investment
  • Collection of Waste Management data
  • Highly customizable time-series data (e.g. No of staff, Productivity, total office area)

Please Schedule a demo for more information

World’s airlines commit to net zero carbon emissions by 2050

World’s airlines commit to net zero carbon emissions by 2050, but Chinese carriers say target flies in the face of national goal

Mainland Chinese airlines wanted IATA to allow them to follow President Xi Jinping’s 2060 emissions target, but industry backs earlier date

Airlines will look to become carbon neutral through sustainable aviation fuel, new aircraft technology and alternative energy sources

Most of the world’s airlines have backed the industry’s new target to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2050, despite mainland Chinese carriers joining forces to call for a delay to the timetable.

Mainland airlines urged the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to allow them to follow President Xi Jinping’s 2060 emissions target, highlighting the divisions between China and the West ahead of next month’s UN global climate summit, as the world’s top aviation executives gathered in Boston.


Eco Emission Data Management System, which developed and integrated with open services (Google Distance API)  have more Logistic Emission Calculation modules

  1. Rail Freight Emission Calculation Module
  2. Air Freight Emission Calculation Module
  3. Vehicle Freight Emission Calculation Module

Ocean Freight are in beta testing and will be available on 2020 First quarter.

Sustainable Development Goals Achievement:

Schedule a free demo now. Visit for more information

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Bravo, owner of Citybus and New World First Bus, supports Hong Kong’s Carbon Neutrality Task Force for its foresight and vision in considering hydrogen solutions for the future decarbonisation of the region. As an advocate of clean energy mobility solutions, Bravo was delighted to be invited to present to the Environmental Protection Department’s Carbon Neutrality Task Force at their first formal workshop. Bravo shareholder, Ascendal Group, shared their past experience of leading world-class hydrogen bus services in London from 2011, with coshareholder, Hans Energy, presenting possible options for sourcing and distributing hydrogen within Hong Kong. Bravo first launched electric bus services on Hong Kong Island in December 2015 operating on Routes 11, 12, 25A, 78 and 81. The company continues to invest in zero emission solutions, with three new electric charging stations being installed at Hong Kong Station Bus Terminus, Central Ferry Bus Terminus, and Kai Tak Cruise Terminal Bus Terminus before the end of the year. However, for long distance or high frequency services in Hong Kong, battery electric buses face many operational challenges given the local climate and topography.

We have more Logistic Emission Calculation modules

  1. Rail Freight Emission Calculation Module
  2. Air Freight Emission Calculation Module
  3. Vehicle Freight Emission Calculation Module

Sustainable Development Goals Achievement:

Schedule a free demo now. Visit for more information


 Bravo, owner of Citybus and New World First Bus, supports Hong Kong’s Carbon Neutrality Task Force for its foresight and vision in considering hydrogen solutions for the future decarbonisation of the region. As an advocate of clean energy mobility solutions, Bravo was delighted to be invited to present to the Environmental Protection Department’s Carbon Neutrality Task Force at their first formal workshop. Bravo shareholder, Ascendal Group, shared their past experience of leading world-class hydrogen bus services in London from 2011, with coshareholder, Hans Energy, presenting possible options for sourcing and distributing hydrogen within Hong Kong. Bravo first launched electric bus services on Hong Kong Island in December 2015 operating on Routes 11, 12, 25A, 78 and 81. The company continues to invest in zero emission solutions, with three new electric charging stations being installed at Hong Kong Station Bus Terminus, Central Ferry Bus Terminus, and Kai Tak Cruise Terminal Bus Terminus before the end of the year. However, for long distance or high frequency services in Hong Kong, battery electric buses face many operational challenges given the local climate and topography.

We have more Logistic Emission Calculation modules

  1. Rail Freight Emission Calculation Module
  2. Air Freight Emission Calculation Module
  3. Vehicle Freight Emission Calculation Module

Sustainable Development Goals Achievement:

Schedule a free demo now. Visit for more information


Friday, October 8, 2021

Hong Kong to phase out coal as a power generation source by 2035

 Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor gave greater emphasis to climate initiatives in Wednesday’s policy address than in her previous speeches, laying out clearer goals for putting the city’s fuel mix on a greener footing. As carbon dioxide is the major culprit in climate change. Measures include saving energy and designing greener buildings, as well as less polluting forms of transport and better waste management. Those sectors together emit 90 per cent of the city’s greenhouse gases.

  • online / cloud based system monitoring of resources consumption on a per-location basis, consumption types include :-
    • Electricity Consumption
    • Fuel Consumption
    • Gas Consumption
    • Lubricant / Refrigerant / Steam / Material / Paper Consumption
    • Business Travel analysis
    • Air / Road / Sea Freight Logistics Consumption
    • Social Responsibility Dataset
    • Health & Safety Summary
    • CSR and Environment Investment
  • Collection of Waste Management data
  • Highly customizable time-series data (e.g. No of staff, Productivity, total office area)

Please Schedule a demo for more information